ParseAST 中,前面通过 P.ParseTopLevelDecl(ADecl) 对源代码进行了分析,紧接着就是调用 HandleTopLevelDecl(ADecl.get()) 进行处理。

代码生成的部分由 HandleTopLevelDecl 负责,而 ASTConsumer 是一个虚基类,所以需要从其他地方入手。这里以 ASTConsumer 为切入点,找到创建位置。

假设我们使用的是 –emit-llvm 模式,而 EmitLLVMAction 继承自 CodeGenAction。在 CodeGenAction 中找到创建 ASTConsumerCreateASTConsumer

CodeGenAction::CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef InFile) {
  // ...
  std::unique_ptr<BackendConsumer> Result(new BackendConsumer(
      BA, CI.getDiagnostics(), CI.getHeaderSearchOpts(),
      CI.getPreprocessorOpts(), CI.getCodeGenOpts(), CI.getTargetOpts(),
      CI.getLangOpts(), CI.getFrontendOpts().ShowTimers, InFile, LinkModules,
      OS, *VMContext, CoverageInfo));
  BEConsumer = Result.get();
  return std::move(Result);

实际上是一个 BackendConsumer 实例。另外观察 CodeGenAction::ExecuteAction :

void CodeGenAction::ExecuteAction() {
  // If this is an IR file, we have to treat it specially.
  if (getCurrentFileKind() == IK_LLVM_IR) {
    // ...

  // Otherwise follow the normal AST path.

发现其实际上是执行的 ASTFrontendAction::ExecuteAction,所以原来分析的部分仍然可以使用。现在,找到 BackendConsumer::HandleTopLevelDecl

bool HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef D) override {
    return true;

这里进一步调用 CodeGenerator::HandleTopLevelDecl,而 GenCreateLLVMCodeGen 得到:

CodeGenerator *clang::CreateLLVMCodeGen(
    DiagnosticsEngine &Diags, const std::string &ModuleName,
    const HeaderSearchOptions &HeaderSearchOpts,
    const PreprocessorOptions &PreprocessorOpts, const CodeGenOptions &CGO,
    llvm::LLVMContext &C, CoverageSourceInfo *CoverageInfo) {
  return new CodeGeneratorImpl(Diags, ModuleName, HeaderSearchOpts,
                               PreprocessorOpts, CGO, C, CoverageInfo);

所以,Gen 实际上是一个 CodeGeneratorImpl 实例。

bool HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef DG) override {
    if (Diags.hasErrorOccurred())
    return true;

    HandlingTopLevelDeclRAII HandlingDecl(*this);

    // Make sure to emit all elements of a Decl.
    for (DeclGroupRef::iterator I = DG.begin(), E = DG.end(); I != E; ++I)

    return true;

上面是 CodeGeneratorImpl::HandleTopLevelDecl 部分,这里对每个声明部分调用 EmitTopLevelDecl 处理。BuilderCodeGenModule 类对象。

void CodeGenModule::EmitTopLevelDecl(Decl *D) {
  // Ignore dependent declarations.
  if (D->getDeclContext() && D->getDeclContext()->isDependentContext())

  switch (D->getKind()) {
  case Decl::CXXConversion:
  case Decl::CXXMethod:
  case Decl::Function:
    // Skip function templates
    if (cast<FunctionDecl>(D)->getDescribedFunctionTemplate() ||

    // Always provide some coverage mapping
    // even for the functions that aren't emitted.

  case Decl::Var:
    // Skip variable templates
    if (cast<VarDecl>(D)->getDescribedVarTemplate())
  case Decl::VarTemplateSpecialization:

  // Indirect fields from global anonymous structs and unions can be
  // ignored; only the actual variable requires IR gen support.
  case Decl::IndirectField:

CodeGenModule::EmitTopLevelDecl 中,可以发现对函数和变量等而言,调用的其实是 EmitGlobal。跟进 EmitGlobal,发现最终的调用实际上是 EmitGlobalDefinition

void CodeGenModule::EmitGlobalDefinition(GlobalDecl GD, llvm::GlobalValue *GV) {
  const auto *D = cast<ValueDecl>(GD.getDecl());

  if (isa<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
    return EmitGlobalFunctionDefinition(GD, GV);

  if (const auto *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D))
    return EmitGlobalVarDefinition(VD, !VD->hasDefinition());
  llvm_unreachable("Invalid argument to EmitGlobalDefinition()");

可以发现最终的调用分别为 EmitGlobalFunctionDefinitionEmitGlobalVarDefinition。这两个函数调用很明显,一个是函数定义,一个是变量定义。

void CodeGenModule::EmitGlobalFunctionDefinition(GlobalDecl GD,
                                                 llvm::GlobalValue *GV) {
  const auto *D = cast<FunctionDecl>(GD.getDecl());

  // Compute the function info and LLVM type.
  const CGFunctionInfo &FI = getTypes().arrangeGlobalDeclaration(GD);
  llvm::FunctionType *Ty = getTypes().GetFunctionType(FI);

  // Get or create the prototype for the function.
  if (!GV || (GV->getType()->getElementType() != Ty))
    GV = cast<llvm::GlobalValue>(GetAddrOfFunction(GD, Ty, /*ForVTable=*/false,

  // Already emitted.
  if (!GV->isDeclaration())

  // We need to set linkage and visibility on the function before
  // generating code for it because various parts of IR generation
  // want to propagate this information down (e.g. to local static
  // declarations).
  auto *Fn = cast<llvm::Function>(GV);
  setFunctionLinkage(GD, Fn);
  setFunctionDLLStorageClass(GD, Fn);

  // FIXME: this is redundant with part of setFunctionDefinitionAttributes
  setGlobalVisibility(Fn, D);
  // ...
  CodeGenFunction(*this).GenerateCode(D, Fn, FI);
  // ...

这里先产生函数签名,最后调用 CodeGenFunction::GenerateCode 生成代码。

具体的内容就不继续分析下去了,到这里为止,已经梳理了一边 Clang 执行流程,整理出一个具体框架。还有很多深入的等待继续挖掘。